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Coffee? Tea? Me?


Product Description

She loved her job criss-crossing the globe in search of raw materials for life-saving medicines, but travel sure wasn’t what it used to be.  She spent far more time wading through security checks and waiting for delayed flights these days than she did in the air.   And the baggage these people thought constituted “carry on” was ludicrous.  At least, she thought, her fellow passengers could have the decency to dress appropriately when flying -- but it almost seemed like they’d gone to some trouble look as sloppily as possible.  Stained sweatpants, too-short tops revealing protruding potbellies, and shoes that make clogs look refined -- what a great impression that makes, she thought.  Just then, her musings were interrupted by a impeccably dressed gent, asking if he could slip past her to get to the window seat.  She thanked her lucky stars she’d worn something equally dapper -- namely, this wrappable beauty of carnelian tubes, faceted blue and black quartz, and gold vermeil.  Now, these were some friendly skies indeed.

Length: 4’ 3 3/4”

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